North Star Kadesh (15 products found)
A range of figures from North Star representing the New Kingdom Egyptian forces that fought in the Battle of Kadesh 1274bc.
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NSK1001 - Pharaoh in Chariot
Our Price:£13.00
NSK1002 - Egyptian Light Chariot
Our Price:£12.00
NSK1003 - Egyptian Spearmen
Our Price:£7.00
NSK1004 - Egyptian Archers
Our Price:£7.00
NSK1005 - Egyptian Command Group
Our Price:£7.00
NSK1006 - Egyptian Axemen
Our Price:£7.00
NSK1007 - Egyptian Light Chariot II
Our Price:£12.00
NSK2001 - Sea People Warriors
Our Price:£7.00
NSK2002 - Sherden Guard
Our Price:£7.00
NSK1000a - Egyptian Army Standard Bearer
Our Price:£3.50
NSK2000a - Armoured Sea Peoples Swordsman
Our Price:£2.00
NSK2000b - Sherden Guard Musician
Our Price:£2.00
NSK2000c - Sherden Guard Officer
Our Price:£2.00
NSK2000d - Sea Peoples Officer
Our Price:£2.00
NSK2000e - Sea Peoples Musician
Our Price:£2.00