The Silver Bayonet. (59 products found)
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TSB040 - Sarcophagus
Our Price:£6.00
TSB041 - The Third British Unit (Egypt)
Our Price:£24.00
TSB042 - The Third French Unit (Egypt)
Our Price:£24.00
TSB043 - The Calabresi Unit
Our Price:£24.00
TSB044 - The Kingdom of Naples (Bourbon) Unit.
Our Price:£24.00
TSB045 - Brigante
Our Price:£15.00
TSB046 - The Grave Golem
Our Price:£12.00
TSB047 - Il Negromante
Our Price:£4.00
TSB048 - Necromancer Acolytes
Our Price:£6.00
TSB049 - Nightmare Witch. (La Janara)
Our Price:£3.50
TSB050 - Spectral Soldiers
Our Price:£15.00
TSB051 - Skeletal Soldiers (Napoleonic)
Our Price:£6.00
TSB052 - Skeletal Soldiers (Norman)
Our Price:£6.00
diceSB - Silver Bayonet Dice
Our Price:£3.00