AP-WP3217P - Flexible Triad: Black & Greys

Whether you’re painting a grim, shadow-laden warrior or aiming for a monochrome theme, the Flexible Triad: Black & Greys is a must-have in any painter’s toolkit. It’s a versatile range perfect for striking contrasts and building depth through shadows and highlights. As the colours are neutral, you can mix them into other colours to make them darker or lighter.

The Black & Greys Triad is suitable for projects across all genres of miniature painting, from historical and military figures to fantasy creatures and sci-fi models.

The Flexible Triad: Black & Greys consists of:

The Flexible Colour Triad System is a segment, or family, of six colours that range from dark to light with a consistent hue. This system allows you to easily select paints that create a natural colour progression on your miniatures. This is an easy way to create a colour scheme for your miniature when army painting because you always have 27 Flexible Triads to choose from instead of mixing colours.

The system builds upon the traditional triad system by introducing more versatility and adaptability in colour selection, expanding the conventional three colours to six. This gives you almost endless possibilities for putting colours together within the triad.

When using a triad system, you usually select 3 colours (a base, a shade, and a highlight), depending on the level of contrast you want on your miniature. For instance, for minimal contrast, opt for 3 adjacent colours to achieve a smooth colour transition. For maximum contrast, use the lightest, middle, and darkest colour available in the flexible triad.

Flexible Triad: Black & Greys

Our Price: £18.00